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Two Worlds 23 - Seeing Cycles



I want to start by acknowledging how strong you are to be holding it together right now. This is not an easy time. It’s a time of prolonged difficulty on multiple levels, and to hang in there as you are doing right now takes guts.

Whether marked by one hundred years or twenty-four hours, we are always experiencing cycles. We move through them, but do we give them the consideration they deserve?

When I think about how I’m doing these days, it’s a feeling of moving in and out of engagement with the world’s churning angst. I enter a difficult conversation, and I engage, I absorb, then I exit and reflect. If necessary, I take time to heal. Then, I go back in.

The crucible we are walking through now is similar to the stars we see in the sky. The cause of it happened a long time ago; we are just the ones that get to live through its cycle of reckoning.

Reflect on that truth and think about your actions.

Many of your actions are unlikely to have an immediate impact, but they will absolutely create the energy we’ll inherit in the future. Therefore, don’t overexpose your heart in this one cycle if you are feeling compromised. Tomorrow will bring another cycle to grow in. The next day, another one. And so on.

If you are full today, it’s ok to unplug.

You will not resolve today’s challenges with today’s efforts alone. That’s why you have to remember to balance challenging yourself and caring for yourself. Leave something in your tank for tomorrow.

It’s ok to lose an argument or temporarily lose confidence and faith. Just don’t lose yourself. You’re far too valuable.

With gratitude,

