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Two Worlds 10: Holding Space


My friend,

The rapid changes we are experiencing can only be understood if we have a sober view of the crisis we are facing. If we work together, we can minimize the damage to our world. If we do what we want as individuals, we will suffer unnecessarily.

I asked my father of 83 years if he had ever experienced anything like this in his life. He said, "no, this is a first for me."

The simple message for this week is to take care of yourself AND be thoughtful of others. You're a hero for everything you will face this week. We are collectively being initiated into a greater version of humanity. This is the beginning of our Road of Trials. Framing what we are experiencing can help ground us, even as the floor beneath us seems to shift continually.

Your practice is your anchor right now. Lean into it.

To anchor myself daily, I'm meditating, fasting, eating well, lifting weights, and getting good sleep. And I'm reaching out to people non-stop.

Let's talk this week if you want. I'm here. I'm holding space for us.

I'm going to try a bunch of new stuff this week because let's be real, between the market's response to COVID-19 and what the government (fed, state and municipal) will roll out on a minute by minute basis for the next five days, no one really cares what content anyone is putting out. So I'm going to be doing some live-streaming to try it out, particularly looking forward to testing it on LinkedIn.

When things are stable, I offer wisdom. When things are this unstable, I'm offering comfort.

I'm doing ok, and I hope you're doing ok too. Hang in there.

And as hard as it may be, have a very grateful week.
